Your website just launched with “Brand X” – the excitement is real! You’re ready to dive into the digital space and start generating revenue with the new tools at your disposal.

Now your website is down, or you can’t figure out how to update the homepage. You need help.
You shoot an email to “tech support,” but ever since launch day, it feels like you’re sending messages into a black hole. Days go by with no response, or worse, you’re met with a vague answer and an “additional cost” to fix anything.
You start thinking, “Maybe I should’ve done more homework when choosing a digital provider.”
Brand X Tech Support

The “Industry Standard” Shouldn’t Be the Standard
Too many companies drop the ball on supporting their clients post-launch. It’s become all too common to settle for the “Industry Standard” of delayed responses and lackluster help.
At InterTech Media, we smash the “Industry Standard” by exceeding expectations, and we’ve got the numbers to prove it.
Most companies would shy away from revealing these details, but not us. We’re proud to pull back the curtain on our support metrics for the past quarter.
Get ready, data nerds, this one’s for you.
Support Volume
We handled 629 support requests in the past quarter—that’s over 50 requests each week.
And that doesn’t include the numerous phone calls and live chats we handle daily!
Partner Satisfaction
For every interaction, we ask our partners one simple question: “How did we do?”
Over the past year, our average customer satisfaction rating was 4.9 out of 5 stars across 408 reviews.
That’s nearly perfect by “Industry Standard” metrics, but we won’t stop until it’s a solid 5 out of 5!

Time to First Response
This metric is critical. It measures how long it takes for us to acknowledge your issue after you submit a support request (and often provide a resolution).
The industry average for a first response?
24 hours
Intertech Media‘s average?
29.62 minutes

Time to Resolution
When you’ve got an issue, you don’t want to wait days for it to be fixed. This stat tracks the time from when you submit a request to when it’s fully resolved.
The industry average for a first response?
82 hours
Intertech Media‘s average?
1.84 hours

Partner Feedback: What Our Clients Say
We don’t just rely on stats. We let our partners do the talking. Here’s what some of them had to say over the past quarter:

Already an InterTech partner? You know firsthand the power of our support. Not a partner yet? Ask your current digital provider for their support metrics. If they’re measuring time with sundials, you might want to give us a call.