In just the last few years, podcasts have been gaining popularity fast. Here at InterTech, we’ve been offering podcasts way before it was as popular as the medium is today. With that history comes a bit of insight on what works and what doesn’t when it’s time to fire up your very first podcast.
Many of you already have an audience built around something other than your podcast (i.e., your on-air show). That means you have a good opportunity for laying the foundations of the show’s fanbase. You’ve got a built-in head start!
In this blog post, you’ll learn how to start a podcast and launch your show! This complete step-by-step beginners guide goes from initial idea to going live with your very first podcast…let’s go!
11 Steps to Creating Your First Podcast
Choose a Topic
Your podcast audience may be very different from your on-air audience, so what you speak about doesn't necessarily have to be related to what you talk about on-air. Your audience will follow you!
This might be a chance to let your inner self shine and create a podcast based on your interests. The result of that might mean you'll be making a show in your spare time. And the subject will be something that you'll have enthusiasm for!
Choose a Format
Using your Topic above as a guide, determine how you will deliver your message.
Will the show be a monologue? Will there be a co-host? Interviews? Or will there be a mix of styles?
You might be satisfied with a specific format and settle into a groove, or you might prefer a ‘mixed bag’ approach. It’s entirely up to you!
Write the Script!
You don't need to write word-for-word what you will say, but write out the main points as a list, so you don't have any awkward "dead air" where you don't know what the next thing to say.
The intimate nature of podcasting is far more suited to being a conversation than a sermon. So try to wean yourself off a fully scripted show and instead use bullet points of everything you want to cover. This will become more natural over time with practice until writing a full script will seem irrelevant.
TIP: Add in conversational stories to use as examples to get your point across!
Record the Show
You've most likely had some experience with recording audio, but remember, you don't always need to record linearly (depending on the format of your show).
You can record yourself, guest interviews, and commentary all separately and edit it together afterward.
Many will reference the time of the average commute (said to be about 20 minutes) as an ideal length to strive for. But anything from 20 up to 45 minutes seems to be within the "sweet spot" for an episode length.
Try to focus on talking to someone you imagine as your "typical audience member" as opposed to "talking to yourself" or 'talking to a microphone." It will sound much more natural and conversational.
Record the Intro & Outro
Your Intro and Outro are akin to the opening and closing credits of your favorite TV show. Make it memorable!
A great podcast intro makes a promise to your listeners. It explains the podcast’s purpose, introduces the speaker, and helps the listener understand the value they’ll receive by listening. Listeners will use the intro to decide if they’re willing to invest their time, so it’s essential to be enticing without being dishonest.
There's no rule to say your podcast must have music, but many choose to add some at the beginning and end to add that extra layer of professionalism.
Add in music that matches your show's style. Use royalty-free music or purchase a license to use.
It's possible to find free music if you search for 'creative commons' licensed music, but it's often very commonly used, so it can take away a bit of uniqueness from your podcast sound.
Create a show graphic for the podcast. Apple and Google want 1400px x 1400px imagery if you will be submitting your podcast via their services.
Having gorgeous cover art that stands out is essential when your show lines up against thousands of others in the Apple/iTunes store.
Editing and Post Production
Remove pops and overly long pauses. Re-record sections that may not have come out as good as you want. Even out the sound, edit together the intro/outro and various show segments. A good edit is just as important as the content!
When you are finished, export the file as an mp3.
Upload and publish your new episode into the OneCMS Podcast system included with your OneCMS website.
Submit to Directories
Once you’ve created your show within OneCMS, you can submit it to various directories (like Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify, etc.). These are the places where listeners can discover, subscribe to, and download your new podcast.
Promote your new masterpiece on-air, on social media, in VIP Newsletters, and wherever else you can!
Spread the word and grow your audience!
Celebrate Your Achievement!
It’s an accomplishment to launch your very first podcast, so from the entire InterTech team, we congratulate you, and we can’t wait to see how far your podcast takes you.
Podcasting Is Growing Fast, Get With It now!
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