With so much content shared each day on social media and most platforms reducing the number of people you can reach with each post, it’s unlikely that all of your followers will see all of your posts. So why agonize over coming up with fresh and original content for every post?
Re-posting social media content is not bad, lazy, or a “hack.” It’s an essential part of a social strategy.
If you’re only posting your content once to your social accounts, then you’re playing against the odds that most of your audience is seeing your content. People are busy. They aren’t on social media all day, every day.
Also, consider how your audience is growing. Are you picking up more followers every week and month? Could they get value out of your older posts? Of course, they can! But if you are only sharing your content one time, your new audience won’t ever get the chance to see it unless they go digging into your history (and let’s face it, most people just aren’t going to do that). You have to show it to them, which means repeating it!
Re-post Social Posts in OneCMS
It is super easy to re-post social posts in OneCMS. In the Social Posts listing screen, find the social post you want to publish again and click Re-Post underneath it.

Once you click Re-Post, OneCMS will copy all of the content from the original post (updates, links, images, hashtags, etc.) into a new social post (in draft status) that you can publish or schedule. You can even modify the content before you publish it if it needs updating.

What should I be Re-posting?
If you’re not sure what you should repeat on social media, ask yourself this: is my post still valuable? Certain posts are evergreen content, which is still helpful and relevant months or years after being published. If something is still beneficial for your audience, then you should be re-sharing it!